Finish strong

Finish Strong
Finish Strong

When the going gets tough

Don’t give in – face into the wind and drive forward tell yourself I won’t just finish I will FINISH STRONG

Results are all about finishing

You’re probably aware of the old adage,

Beginners are many; finishers are few.

Are you a quitter or a finisher?

A society of quitters

Increasingly, it seems, we live in a society where its OK to be a victim or a quitter. The sheer number of people quitting… their jobs, their family responsibilities (both physically and financially), couples divorcing, and teenagers who having applied and gone to University – don’t even graduate

A society that, when the going gets tough people simply quit.

Of course, there are circumstances in which making some of these decisions may be the best thing to do.

But in many situations and for no good reason, people just don’t have the motivation and stamina to finish strong.

Clearly, finishing strong is in itself a powerful antidote to a growing culture of quitting.

But you need to also see it as impacting on credibility and trust?

Motto for life in general

Whenever possible…

finish, and …

finish strong.

A colleague of mine who was training for a marathon shared some excellent advice he received from his Dad a good distance runner himself.

“When you ‘hit the wall and you feel like you can’t go on, instead of focusing on your exhaustion and going into the ‘survival shuffle,’ lift up your head and pick up your pace”

At first glance, that advice may sound counter-intuitive. But on reflection, it makes great sense.

By picking up the pace, you’re really saying to yourself that you’re

not just going to finish; you’re going to finish strong.

Read more here

So as this decade draws to a close…

Make sure you

Finish strong!

and remember…

There is always…

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