Tips Tricks and Reminders – Jan 2020

In this months Tips,Tricks and Reminders we discuss
Being World Class: – What is involved
Questions – Why are questions so important?
Avatars: – what are they and how do they work?
This months ‘Skill Shot’ on Developing great questioning techniques
Plus a recommended Pod Cast, Ted Talk and Book
Are you good or are you WORLD CLASS?
What makes the difference between good and WORLD CLASS
Attitude you are in charge of – but why is attitude more important than IQ in business?
Find out here
How much time do YOU invest in ensuring that your Attitude is WORLD CLASS
Changing and building your attitude is vital to success in business and life!
Find the 5 steps needed here
A Skill is:
A technique [how you do something]
Multiplied by
Iterations [times completed]
Multiplied by
So break down the parts of the job you are doing and work out how to be 1% better each time – especially when the pressure is on – turn it into a skill.
List all the task you need to do in your job – then give yourself a mark out of 10 for each task [1=”not so good”; 10=”Perfect”]
What needs to improve – set yourself some targets – bring your Attitude to bear and
Invest in being WORLD CLASS!

Why are questions so important?
Simple… Because it is easier for a human to say NO than risk change by saying yes
If they say no – nothing has to change, no-one has to know what they turned down.
So, if you don’t know enough about the person you are talking to – what motivates them, what their needs are then the ONLY place they can go is to say NO or to make a decision on price – If it is cheap enough then people will buy.
If your customers go to price – You don’t know enough about them!
Take time to plan good questions – if you feel you need help then please give me a call or drop me a line – get in touch here

What is an Avatar?
Avatar – explained
An avatar is a stereotype or storage container for all the information we have gathered about a subject. We check whether our assumptions are right or wrong by asking questions and then we amend, add or subtract from the avatar accordingly. Learn more…
The sequence is simple –
Have I seen anything like this before?
What do I know?
What do I think I know?
Which questions should I ask to check assumptions?
In social situations this helps me to understand the world or people better, in a selling situation, once I have uncovered the needs of the other person I can then start to create a narrative for my product, service or idea which will fit their needs and help them adopt the idea or say YES and buy the product or service.

‘Skill Shot’
This months Focus is:-
Developing great questioning techniques
During the day the following subjects will be explored:-
- Types of questions?
- How to use them?
- What is a great question?
- How to plan your questions
- Planning and Practice?

Power Questions
by Andrew Sobel & Jerod Panas
Power Questions sets out a series of strategic questions that will help you win new business and dramatically deepen your professional and personal relationships.
The book showcases thirty-five riveting, real conversations with CEOs, billionaires, clients, colleagues, and friends.
Each story illustrates the extraordinary power and impact of a thought-provoking, incisive power question.
To help readers navigate a variety of professional challenges, over 200 additional, thought-provoking questions are also summarised at the end of the book.
When you use power questions, you magnify your professional and personal influence, create intimate connections with others, and drive to the true heart of the issue every time.

Our Podcast of the month is:-
More or Less Tim Harford explains – and sometimes debunks – the numbers and statistics used in political debate, the news and everyday life.
In this episode he explores the statement that natural disasters have quadrupled between 1980’s and 2017- is this True? –
Why not give it a try here

This months suggested TEDTalk
According to Amy Cuddy
“We can make ourselves more powerful.”
In this short, fascinating talk, Cuddy shares some secrets about our body language and how it impacts on the way others perceive us. We know that our minds change our bodies… but can our bodies change our minds to exude power? See what you think. Try it here