The biggest mistake leaders make
The biggest mistake leaders make in delegating
1: Not delegating at all
Everything is kept tight and close and the team can’t learn and don’t grow.
2: Not being clear about what has been delegated.
This leads to confusion and stops the team from growing or accepting challenges for fear of getting things wrong.
When you delegate, provide clarity by articulating “the three whats” of a successful operation. These are:
1: What a great job looks like;
The performance standard:
2: What a complete job looks like.
The finish line:
3: What’s not part of the job.
The boundaries:
Finally it’s all about feedback
Ensure that you book in time in the diary to get feedback about
What went well
What could’ve gone better
How they did things
What they learnt.
If you need any help or guidance creating or refocusing your high performance sales team – then you know where I am 👍
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