Invest in you

How much time do you spend in broadening your horizons and developing yourself?

Knowledge 2Sales and Management in particular are the most indolent in terms of self-development. Learning does not stop as you finish school – humans are tacit learners, we learn by watching we learn by reading and imagining the outcomes

How much time each week do we spend on broadening our knowledge – now is your chance to set yourself a target – this year just 4 books….

But which 4

That’s where you and I might be able to help others choose which business books to have a look at

I want to start a recommendations page here on – just let me know what books or magazines you read or have read and we will see what the rest of the business community thinks.

Knowledge 22


When I read a book I will give you my thoughts and then you can tell everyone what you think.

Invest in your self-development below and write me a list of the top 5 most influential books you have read to date – tell me how you feel each applies to you and your world – and remember… there is always Morethan1answer...